Friday, April 17, 2009

Humble King

One of the things I think about most is leadership. When I hear a friend talk about unfair treatment by their boss, I think about leadership. When I observe different coaching styles in sports, I think about leadership. Teachers, politicians, parents, doctors, pastors, authors, broadcasters, mentors, music directors, project managers, shop owners...I could go on for quite a while. And for some reason, this is super important to me. I suppose, in a sense, leadership is important to everyone because most of us will both lead and follow along the way.

I had a job interview with a guy once who told me very directly, "I'm a no-crap manager." He'd be amazed if he knew how often I've thought about that. Does that mean if I ever made a mistake I would be shot instantly? Does it mean don't ever ask him for clarification on anything? Does it mean I have to use the bathroom offsite? I think if I ever work for a no-crap manager, he's going to have to sell me on it first. Actually, the man I try to model my life after was born in a barn, and had to deal with a lifetime of difficult circumstances. ( case your new to Evan's Blog) In fact, he seemed drawn to people who were in a mess. His approach has had a revolutionary impact on me.

A Brit named Brenton Brown wrote a song that sums it up very well for me:
Humble King CD
Humble King

Oh kneel me down again here at your feet
Show me how much you love humility
Oh Spirit, be the star that leads me to
The humble heart of love I see in you

You are the God of the broken
The friend of the weak
You wash the feet of the weary
Embrace the ones in need
I want to be like you Jesus
To have this heart in me
You are the God of the humble
You are the humble king Humble king.

It's almost an oxymoron. I know it's strange because I try to do it and people don't know how to take it. I'll probably spend the rest of my life working out the details, but I've experienced leadership that feels like the song...kinda ruined me for anything else. I don't know if my sphere of influence will ever impress anyone, but I hope I can lead in a humble kingly way. Any interesting stories or thoughts on either type of leader?

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