Saturday, April 25, 2009


I woke up this morning with a song in my head. It's actually come to mind over and over through the years when I find myself pushing too hard or being overcome by drivenness. It's one of Amy Grant's very early tunes. Great finger style acoustic!

All I Ever Have to Be

When the weight of all my dreams
Is resting heavy on my head,
And the thoughtful words of health and hope
Have all been nicely said.

But I'm still hurting,
Wondering if Ill ever be
The one I think I am. I think I am.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Tribe

So if I'm taking time to fill in the concentric circles of my life (see "Filling in My Circles"), then I have to talk about my tribe.

Now, I have the opportunity here to distance myself from everyone who doesn't fit the group I'm about to mention, and that would be the farthest thing from my intention. In one sense, all of humanity is my tribe. I feel that, really. In another sense, my family is my tribe. Also true. I could say that everyone who is trying to follow Jesus is my tribe, and that would also be true. People who I've rubbed shoulders with at school and in the workplace...tribes abound! And one of the things I'm loving about Facebook is reconnecting on some level with you all.

But I want to chat about a group that has become home to me in a special way: my Vineyard tribe. Honestly, "tribe" might be more accurate in describing this group than "denomination" because I'm convinced that many of the thoughts conjured up by the words "church" and "denomination" aren't even close to describing what I'm experiencing. Remember, my blog, I'm filling in my circles.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Humble King

One of the things I think about most is leadership. When I hear a friend talk about unfair treatment by their boss, I think about leadership. When I observe different coaching styles in sports, I think about leadership. Teachers, politicians, parents, doctors, pastors, authors, broadcasters, mentors, music directors, project managers, shop owners...I could go on for quite a while. And for some reason, this is super important to me. I suppose, in a sense, leadership is important to everyone because most of us will both lead and follow along the way.

I had a job interview with a guy once who told me very directly, "I'm a no-crap manager." He'd be amazed if he knew how often I've thought about that. Does that mean if I ever made a mistake I would be shot instantly? Does it mean don't ever ask him for clarification on anything? Does it mean I have to use the bathroom offsite? I think if I ever work for a no-crap manager, he's going to have to sell me on it first. Actually, the man I try to model my life after was born in a barn, and had to deal with a lifetime of difficult circumstances. ( case your new to Evan's Blog) In fact, he seemed drawn to people who were in a mess. His approach has had a revolutionary impact on me.

A Brit named Brenton Brown wrote a song that sums it up very well for me:
Humble King CD
Humble King

Thursday, April 16, 2009

TEA Parties - Total Evan Appreciation

Thanks to everyone who came out all over the country for these rallies to appreciate me. Unnecessary, really, but thanks. Jason and I were on our own last night, so we went downtown Wausau for a while to the local TEA Party. Turns out these were actually about being Taxed Enough Already, a political thing. Huh…

Boston Tea Party
So I’ve debated over the last several months just how much to get involved with the political discussion. Most pastor-types are pretty careful about going there, and I understand why. But I can’t shake this idea that we don’t live in the first century Roman empire, but in a representative republic…or, more generally, a democracy. In a very real sense, every citizen is emperor and responsible for this government of the people, by the people, for the people. Besides, I like to think that I can bring a thoughtful, reasoning approach which genuinely attempts to understand all sides of the issues. It’s the goal anyway.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Melt

Almost every day, sometimes more than once, I melt. An earthen fragrance, a laughing child, or a song...
Here was the song today, on the way home from work at the end of the day.

I'm so thankful for Colleen and for my family. I know it's Easter weekend, but really the whole Easter story is a love story. The mystery of my connection with Colleen commingled with my love for God. The whole Ephesians 5:25 thing. It was Phil Keaggy's version of an old Billy Joel tune...

 She's Got a Way

She's got a way about her
I don't know what it is but I know that I can't live without her
She's got a way of pleasing
I don't know what it is but there doesn't have to be a reason anyway

She's got a smile that heals me
I don't know why it is but I have to laugh when she reveals me
She's got a way of talkin
I don't know why it is but it lifts me up when we are walkin anywhere

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Filling In My Circles

So here's my idea for Evan’s blog. I enjoy reading spiritual or devotional blogs and find those inspirational, but I want this blog to be a slice of my life. My spirituality is at the center of who I am, but what does that look like? I think there are many misconceptions of what an authentic Jesus-follower really spends time doing and thinking and caring about.

I'm not a historian, but it seems like America and Canada and Western society in general are as polarized as we've ever been, perhaps more. What that means to me is that every issue, every concern, every idea, you pick sides and fight for your turf. While I agree that some turf is worth fighting for, we've really demonized our friends and family members. How is it possible that with all of this talk of tolerance in recent decades, it seems we've become historically intolerant?

I have friends on both sides of the political spectrum within and outside of what you would consider Christian faith, and any mention of politics seems to evoke this visceral reaction especially if your party is not in power at the moment. Bill Maher, James Dobson, Sean Penn, Don Wildmon, Obama, Bush, Palin, Clinton—everyone’s throwing these wild grand ideas around, and I feel like saying, “Hey, I'm just living my life here.” And I've got a lot of people around me who are living their lives, and I feel like were being goaded into hating each other and mistrusting each other when we probably could gain more from talking to one another.