Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Tribe

So if I'm taking time to fill in the concentric circles of my life (see "Filling in My Circles"), then I have to talk about my tribe.

Now, I have the opportunity here to distance myself from everyone who doesn't fit the group I'm about to mention, and that would be the farthest thing from my intention. In one sense, all of humanity is my tribe. I feel that, really. In another sense, my family is my tribe. Also true. I could say that everyone who is trying to follow Jesus is my tribe, and that would also be true. People who I've rubbed shoulders with at school and in the workplace...tribes abound! And one of the things I'm loving about Facebook is reconnecting on some level with you all.

But I want to chat about a group that has become home to me in a special way: my Vineyard tribe. Honestly, "tribe" might be more accurate in describing this group than "denomination" because I'm convinced that many of the thoughts conjured up by the words "church" and "denomination" aren't even close to describing what I'm experiencing. Remember, my blog, I'm filling in my circles.

So what's the Vineyard about? Why do I resonate so deeply with this gang? Here are the five values of the Vineyard...might sharpen the picture a bit...

1. Kingdom Theology and Practice
Kingdom is just another way of saying "heaven" or "the place where God is honored as God." So what we're saying is that when Jesus came to earth, heaven (or the kingdom) broke into the day to day of human existence. This wasn't a one time deal, but heaven keeps breaking in or kindof leaking into our world and interacting with all of the elements of human life. We talk about it as the"now and the not yet" and this has helped me understand so much of the wonderful miraculous stuff I see and how it mixes in with so much pain and suffering. The "not yet" talks about how we still wait for the full experience of heaven and all the awesomeness of God, our spiritual King. Love it!

2. Culturally Relevant Mission
Some of you might be of the opinion that "the church" is possibly one of the most out-of-touch, irrelevant institutions on the planet. In some ways, I can't argue. But that's a shame, and I'm not interested in that approach. My tribe wants to swim in the current of our culture and bring some life rafts along for people who aren't doing so well.

 3. Compassionate Ministry
Quote from vineyardusa.org: "We lean toward the lost, the poor, the outcast, and the outsider with the compassion of Jesus, knowing we are sinners whose standing before God is utterly dependent on his mercy." So rather than stepping on people and trying to dominate our society, we take a posture of service to people who are hurting.

4. Reconciling Community
So many things can keep us apart: race, gender, social standing, money, age... I love being part of a tribe that actively pursues healthy relationships and interaction across difficult boundaries of separation.

5. Experiencing God
To be honest, I'm not interested in a symbolic faith which doesn't really believe God still interacts with humanity. That's more like a religion thing. I want to know God as savior and friend and healer. I want to feel the Holy Spirit well up inside me with compassion for my friends and neighbors. I know it leaves me open for kidding or ridicule, but I'm an actual "believer". God exists. He heals. He restores. He forgives.

So that says quite a bit about my tribe, I think. Honestly, a ton of my Facebook friends have probably wondered "What the heck ever happened to Evan?" My tribe is one more slice of my life. Any thoughts about your tribes? Spiritual or otherwise, I'd love to hear!

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