Monday, December 21, 2009

Lord, Be Glorified

I've got an old worship song going through my head tonight. Wish I had a recording of it, but the version in my head is pretty good. I'm remembering the chapel back at North Central University, and the band laying down a very tight rock groove, straight 4 with the descending bass pattern locked in with the kick. Larry Bach pulls a thousand faces from prayer to song with a quiet piano intro and some encouraging words. Three part BGV's are ready at the mic as hands and passion shoot to the sky.

Lord, be glorified in the life of your servant
I am your child, teach me to walk in your ways
May my sacrifice be a sweet smelling savor
Lord of my life, teach me how to praise

And the praise goes improv as the band vamps it once on our own. (I'm on bass by the way. Right in that side door corner at the bottom of the stairs.)

One Accord 1988, North Central Bible College Chapel

The music wasn't about the style, although we loved that. The style just meant that the praise was coming from  us, from who we were. And jocks and brains and profs and babes, mostly we were all into it. Chapel was an amazing privilege. And God met us there over and over. And we were becoming men and women, servant leaders from kids.

Lord, be glorified in me still today. Let my life be a sweet smelling savor still today. Still teach me how to walk and how to praise.

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