Walked through the kitchen just now and Col is griddling up some chicken as part of her Japanese Chicken dish for tomorrow night. It’s a spectacular meal! We’ll be celebrating our American Christmas tomorrow night since we’re leaving Christmas Eve for Canada.
Seeing the chicken battered up and sizzling took me right back to Kenora, Ontario in my high school years. Dad loved to throw the canoe on top of the car and head out the Jones Road for a few hours of quiet time with the fish. He’d come back with three or four and clean them on top of the freezer, just out the back door of the house on Tetroe Road. I can see the fish eyes looking at me as they waited their turn, fins flipping back and forth just a bit.
Regarding Henry
*"When you've had enough Mr. Turner you say 'when'." *
I'm saying 'when' to something that was started to bring people together,
to connect us to each o...
8 years ago
Hey found your blog via facebook! Looks great!
I had to comment when I saw Kenora--I make a mostly annual trip to Sioux Narrows with a bunch of friends. I'm always surprised when other people know about that gem of an area. I dream about that water right about this time of year...:0)
Ally, I've got so many great memories from Kenora. They seem so recent. Perhaps part of the nostalgia of passing 40. Looking forward to following your writing here and there. Take care.
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