In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.... and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. -- John 1:1, 14
The Word made flesh. God become human. A deity with skin on -- a God we can touch.
The theological term for that event is incarnation. This means the mighty God of the universe, the spirit beyond all comprehending, cared enough to live among us in human form. He came to hold children, lay healing hands on the sick, rub elbows with poor, wash the feet of his disciples. His mission even included dying at human hands and redeeming that painful touch through His resurrection.
God's incredible gift of incarnation means so many things -- redemption, salvation, hope. But surely it is also a powerful acknowledgment that our human need for meaningful touch was meant to be met.
Father, thank you that you came to us as a real human being. Even as You blessed the the world with the touchable gift of Your incarnation, let us be instruments of your healing, redeeming touch in a world that needs You more than ever.
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