Sunday, February 7, 2010

SIS#4 - Self-Improvement Sundays

***3 weeks complete - ahead of pace (>9 lbs)***

Three weeks down and I am completely dialed in. Case in point: we had a little Super Bowl party with family and friends at the house tonight. Lots of goodies. Plenty of opportunities to indulge. NOT INTERESTED! Not so much as a point over today, even rejecting flex points, which I could legally consume. Nice!

Dose of reality - my pace is slowing, but I new that would be the case and even have it built into my goal, remember? 3 lbs/wk for the first 10 wks, then 2, then 1. I'm still optimistic I can pull that off and hit the 40 lb down mark by May 2. 

I'm finding myself working overtime to find ways to stuff more veggies into my entrees and meals, so that's very good. I've had to be mildly rude a couple of times in situations where I used to feel obligated to eat by the guidelines of others. SORRY CHARLIE! Not interested! I don't exactly have doctor's orders, but sort of.

Seems a bit silly, doesn't it? sacrifice health or important personal goals for the unreasonable preferences of others.  I'm not about to stop being kind or thoughtful, but I'm on a mission!

How's your mission going? Hopefully very well! I guess the thought for the day is that you can invest in yourself without becoming self-absorbed or selfish. Those close to you will ultimately benefit.

Bring on week 4!

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