Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finding God in the Mass

This is a lifelong pursuit: connecting with God meaningfully and continually through a rich variety of prayer and the scriptures.

In Psalm 42:1-2, David says,

As the deer pants for streams of water,
     so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
     When can I go and meet with God?

And this conjures up all sorts of ideas about prayer and the Bible, and I resonate with many of those things...not all.

I attended a Catholic funeral mass today and enjoyed sitting right next to the stage in one of those side-seating areas by the organ. I was half ready to get up for one of the readings or interludes. And I watched as dear friends laid father/grandfather to rest. He was well up in years, but still too young. Cancer. I'm praying for my friends.

And parts of the ceremony were dull, repetitive and distant. And other parts were very rich, sensory and devotional. I really enjoyed the candles and the incense, until we started singing something again and I had difficulty breathing. The hazards of sitting close. The church was stunningly beautiful, located on an island off the shore of Lake Dubay.

And I felt drawn closer to God in some ways, but mostly through the richness of grieving with friends. And there was a couple there whom I joined in marriage years ago. I'll never forget the holy presence I felt at that moment. What an amazing blessing to see their sweet kids and hear of their new adventures.

So I love the quietness of getting alone with God, but he met me over and over again today. Through nature as Lake Dubay strained to thaw on a 65 degree afternoon. Through ritual as an ancient ceremony was introduced to me. Through the eyes of friends as they looked backward and forward through time and contemplated eternity. Through music and smells. Through the kind retelling of the salvation story by a wise, old priest.

So, meet with God. Find God as he reaches out to you in the front seat of your Hyundai or on the sidewalk as you take your evening dog walk stroll.

Thanks God for your breeze through the pines today. Please be close to my friends tonight.

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