***11 weeks complete - ahead of pace >42 lbs - Goal 1 was 40lbs, Goal 2 is 60lbs by July 11***

That said, I'm sticking to my plan and so far it's served me.
I continue to hear from many of you and your personal challenges you're tackling. The weight thing is a big one and nearly universal in these parts. I've been encouraged to give a bit more detail of my nutrition plan. No problem. I'll do some of that here and there. Please understand, I don't consider myself an expert on anything to do with nutrition and fitness at this point. But it's working so...
Col and I do the Weight Watchers points at home. We bought the at-home WW program around 10 years ago and have tapped into it here and there. I think it was about $100. We get so many points a day based on weight, decreasing as you lose weight. A point is basically 50 calories, but the slide-rule calculator factors in fat grams and dietary fiber grams. At this point I rarely have to look anything up, usually just a glance at the nutritional info if anything. There are some free point calculators online, food and activity. Yeah, you earn more points with physical activity.
I certainly don't discourage people from officially joining Weight Watchers. I think that's the best way. If I didn't have Col as my "coach", it would have been tough in the early weeks.
Foods I frequent:
Breakfast: turkey ham or sausage, eggs/egg whites scrambled with veggies, cereal, light Italian bread with sugar free jam, coffee with flavored creamer
Lunch: leftovers! pre-measured containers of soup, stew, pasta. Light pringles. Fruit! Lots of apples. Oranges. Sliced up honeydew melon or watermelon. Light chunky type soups, points calculated in advance.
Snacks: fruit, diet soda, light pringles. I haven't snacked as much and focus on getting engrossed in my projects.
Dinner: Salads! I spend hours slicing up peppers, onions, tomatoes, purple cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and mixing a cake-sized tupperware container of salad I can munch for a few days. Then I can mix in lean meats, cottage cheese, fat free dressings. We still eat as a family sometimes, but I won't sacrifice my plan for anyone! My parents visited and they sat and watched me slice veggies. We visited family in Minneapolis and I ate what I could and used my stash to fill in. Easter dinner, I had some of the fancy salad and a couple pieces of ham.
Grilled stuff is awesome. Anything with flavor. Baked chips and salsa. The veggies I don't count, even if WW gives them some points. I put some fat free Italian dressing on two or three huge plates of salad and count 0 if there's no meat or cheese! If you run out of something, run to the store right away and get it. Pay a bit extra for what you need. It's worth it. And you're eating a lot less of everything else.
We stopped at McDonalds on the way home from church. I wouldn't even get a salad. What I want is at home. I'm doing my plan and I don't give a flying flip what anyone thinks about it! ;-)
Sometimes that ol' book of Proverbs just kinda says it like it is:
Do not join those who drink too much wine
or gorge themselves on meat,
for drunkards and gluttons become poor,
and drowsiness clothes them in rags. (23:21)
PS - Dill pickles!!!
That is awesome-congratulations! Sounds like you're 'mentally strong' which is the hardest part!
Thanks Tonia. I feel extremely dialed in! I almost can't believe how easy it's going. 47 pounds down now and a 4 pound week. Sweet.
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