Saturday, January 30, 2010

Prayers for Haiti #2

A quick google search took me to the US Haitian embassy website, and to the crisis map for humanitarian support.

Those this is just the Port au Prince area, it represents a couple of things about the whole country.

1. The ongoing need is alarming and widespread.
2. The various efforts for relief have begun to be coordinated.

So this is my prayer for today. Father, as you draw people and resources from all over the globe, I ask you to be involved in the practical details of planning and coordination.

I ask you to call skilled men and women into strategic logistical roles.

I ask you to call men and women skilled with people in a way that pushes past power struggles and obstacles.

I pray for divine creativity to deal with the camp-like conditions. Bring ingenuity, the spirit of MacGyver!

I pray for the release of technical resources: sattelite uplinks, computers, cellular communications, strategy rooms.

I pray for logistical resources: trucks, trains, helicopters, ships, couriers.

And in all the logistics, bring compassion. Come Lord. Come and help the Haiti efforts today.

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