Sunday, January 17, 2010

SIS#1 - Self Improvement Sundays

So I've been pondering for a week or two, and it might be time for a fresh effort at healthiness. I've been unwilling and perhaps unable to untether from life obligations to give it a real go. I don't like planning for those things over the holidays and then launching in the new year, because it's easy to set expectations too high when I'm on vacation and don't have the daily pressures of life. But now it's been a couple of weeks and I feel like it's time.

When Pastor George Westlake was speaking in Stevens Point one day, he said that his disciplines tend to all come at the same time. It's as if you do it all or don't do any of it. I can relate fairly well to that. Perhaps my systems and circumstances are saying it's worth a shot.

So my first weight loss goal is 40 pounds. That would drop me a shirt size and get me into some of my stored clothes. I'd feel much better and 40 pounds is pretty noticeable! I've always said I have to drop 20 pounds before people can really see it. According to my spreadsheet (of course!), if I dial in with Weight Watchers points with Colleen (she's got a couple months head start) I could possibly drop 40 between my starting date, next Sunday, and May 9th. After that, reevaluate.

Steps I've taken so far:
1. Redid my todo list with my new iPhone, so I'm feeling some momentum in all areas.
2. Several talks with Colleen. She's more or less my WW instructor and head chef! She's already doing meals that are workable.
3. Plotted out WW points and begun meal and snack planning.
4. Mp3 mix all set on said iPhone...much better than my crackling, worn out mp3 player.
5. Logging set up for exercise and eating.
6. Picked up again with stretching and calisthenics routine, and walking.
7. Planned a big Self Improvement Sundays campaign to go public and invite people along.

If anyone wants to join me, feel free to watch for my weekly Self Improvement Sundays post and then just comment about your own goal you're working on. For my part, I'll interact with each of your comments so we can kinda be there for each other. Could be a health thing like mine. Could be a money saving thing. Could be a "finish this course I'm taking" thing, or "finish this project I'm doing." No real rules, just encouragement. I'll be posting for my own benefit in any case.

I'm also planning to double post, on both my Evan of the North blog and my Humble King Devotional blog. You can subscribe to the EOTN blog if you want to follow more general "Evan's Life" posts and not as many. You can subscibe to the HKD blog if you want more of a daily Christian devotional context, more Bible content and spiritual emphasis.

No real rules. You can comment every day if you want, weekly, or just here and there. As the great philosopher Yoda said, "Do or not do, there is no try." Like the great philosopher Bob Nike said, "Just Do It!" Or Paul in Ephesians 5:15-17...

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

So, God, this is part of my devotion to honor you with my body. I humbly ask for your help.

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