Sunday, January 31, 2010

SIS#3 - Self-Improvement Sundays

***2 weeks complete - ahead of pace (>6 lbs)***

Well folks, it feels good. To be honest, I've been extremely strict with my nutrition the last two weeks and I can feel a huge difference already! I'm ahead of my 3lbs/wk pace and going strong.

My major motivation at this point is still my overall health, but I'm pretty pumped about how much my wardrobe will improve when I reach this first goal! I checked my storage in the basement yesterday and it was a bit like a kid at Christmas. I'll actually enjoy wearing those clothes I haven't worn for a while more than buying new.

Colleen continues to encourage me and help by stuffing cabinets and fridge with Weight Watchers friendly foods. FYI, we track our WW points on our own and kinda use each other for our support group. Col's sister actually got her started back in December I think. We'd gotten the books and resources 10-12 years ago and also take advantage of free resources online. So...we're cheap!

Another key for me at this point has been my new iPhone. Crazy, but I've been a stark, raving lunatic about getting my lifelong roles, goals, projects, and tasks lined up with my new programs so they're with me all the time. Hours and hours, mostly done! That's very motivational too, kinda like I'm wrapping my arms around my whole life and getting things in order.

If you're tracking along with self-improvement scenarios of your own, new year's resolution or otherwise, I'd love to hear how it's going in a comment or message. Thanks for quietly keeping me accountable. The sanguine fraction of my personality is enjoying processing externally. All the best!

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